( = Descendancy chart to this point,
= Expand,
= Collapse)
- 1 Doda DUXIA b. 980 d. 1003
Fulbert DEFALAISE b. 978 d. 1017
- 2 Harlette DEFALAISE
b. 1003 d. 1050
Robert I The Magnificent of NORMANDY d. 2 Jul 1035
- 3 William I 'The Bastard' "The Conqueror of Normandy" King of ENGLAND
b. 14 Oct 1024 d. 11 Nov 1087
Matilda Maud Countess of FLANDERS ENGLAND b. 24 Nov 1031 d. 2 Nov 1083
- 4 Henry I Beauclerc KING OF ENGLAND
b. 21 Feb 1068 d. 1 Dec 1135 [ =>]
- 4 Henry I Beauclerc KING OF ENGLAND
- 3 William I 'The Bastard' "The Conqueror of Normandy" King of ENGLAND
- 2 Harlette DEFALAISE